• 汉学家

    David W. Pankenier

    Ph.D. (Asian Languages, Stanford University, 1983). Professor of Chinese, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. My formal studies in Sinology, begun at the University of Stockholm with Göran Malmqvist, were augmented by three years of private study in the Chinese Classics with Aisin-Gio
    美国 0 2720
  • 汉学家

    Waltraud Paul

    法国 0 2740
  • 汉学家

    Julian Ward

    Dr Julian Ward is a senior lecturer in Chinese. He has a long history here at the University of Edinburgh, having achieved a first-class MA here in Chinese in 1990 and a PhD in 1997. He was appointed as a lecturer in 1998 and achieved senior lecturer status in 2009. Aside from his work as a research
    英国 0 3168
  • 汉学家

    Pollard, David Edward

    卜立德,1937年生于英国泰晤士河上方的京斯敦,自剑桥大学获得中国文学硕士及伦敦大学的哲学博士。1962年起,任教于伦敦大学东方暨非洲研究学院,并于1979到1989年间担任该校中文研究之首席教授一职。1989年担任香港中文大学翻译学首席教授至1997年止。1998到1999年间,于香港城市大学担任研究教授一职;1999至2000年间成为牛津大学St. Hugh's学院的访问研究员。2000年起担任香港中文大学翻译研究中心的研究员,目前为「译丛」的顾问编辑。Prof. Plaks has been involved in research in the field of Chinese
    英国 0 3383
  • 汉学家

    Sarah A. Queen

    Sarah Queen's primary research examines China's philosophical and religious foundations as it was expressed in early texts written by practitioners of the Confucian and Daoist traditions. Her research focuses on the ways in which these two traditions shaped early ethical and spiritual norms,
    美国 0 2567
  • 汉学家

    Andrew G. Walder

    Andrew G. Walder is the Denise O'Leary and Kent Thiry Professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences, and Senior Fellow in the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies. Previously, he served as chair of the Department of Sociology, as director of the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Paci
    美国 0 2781
  • 汉学家

    Rawski, Evelyn Sakakida

    Evelyn Rawski was born on February 2, 1939, in Honolulu, Hawaii, of Japanese-American ancestry. Her mother was a registered nurse, her father an accountant. She attended Kapalama Elementary School, R. L. Stevenson Junior High School, and Roosevelt High School, all in Hawaii. Rawski then attended Cor
    美国 0 3002
  • 汉学家

    Jeffrey K. Riegel

    Jeffrey Riegel is Director of the China Studies Centre. He formerly served as Head of the School o Languages and Cultures at the University from January 2007 to January 2015 and is now Emeritus Professor in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences as well as Louis B. Agassiz Professor Emeritus of Chi
    美国 0 2723
  • 汉学家

    Rocca, Jean-Louis

    Diplômé en sociologie, économie et chinois, Jean-Louis Rocca a obtenu son doctorat à l'Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS) et son habilitation à diriger les recherches à Sciences Po. Il a été professeur invité à l'université Renda (2000-2002) et professeur titulaire au dépar
    0 531
  • 汉学家

    Stephen Roddy

    Stephen Roddy is a professor of Modern and Classical Languages, received his PhD in East Asian Studies from Princeton University, and specializes in the fiction and other prose genres of 18th and 19th century China and Japan. His current interests focus on the influences of Chinese fiction on late-T
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