• 汉学家

    Henry Panganani Zulu

    1. Was a Tutor in all Sociology Courses in the Department of Social and Development Studies in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zambia from 1999 to 20052. Assistant Researcher to Dr Lawrence Mukuka in Human and Economic Social Research from 1998 to 20053. Head of Ser
    赞比亚 0 2700
  • 评论人

    Luke Evuta Mumba

    Between 2012 and 2016 he was a Programme Coordinator for the African Science Technology and Innovation Indicators Initiative of NEPAD. He was the first Regional Director for the NEPAD Southern African Network for Biosciences (SANBio) at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Centre (CSIR
    赞比亚 0 2682
  • 译者


    马尔代夫 1 2886
  • 作家

    Tom Nisse

    作家、诗人,1973年出生于卢森堡。自1998年开始发表诗歌和小说,经常参加诗歌朗诵和表演,并组织各种文化活动。2008年,作品《爱在欧盟》(L'amourauxtempsdel'UE)入选德国年轻诗歌双语选集。汤姆•尼斯(Tom Nisse)认为诗歌是一种独特的艺术形式:“诗歌要比短篇小说、长篇小说都要短,它有着自己独特的写作方式,有着独特的韵律和节奏。从内容的角度上来看,诗歌往往更加的直接,也更加的个人化。”
    卢森堡 0 2526
  • 汉学家

    Munshi Faiz Ahmad

    Bangladeshi ambassador to China, studied at BLCU from 1981 to 1983
    孟加拉国 0 2346
  • 汉学家


    GUILLERMO PULIDO GONZÁLEZ is a graduate of the Faculty of Economics of the UNAM and doctor of Economic and Business Sciences from the University of Malaga, Spain. Since 1980 he joined the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) where he has been a professor and researcher in subjects related
    墨西哥 0 3242
  • 译者

    Edmundo Borja Navarro

    Edmundo Borja Navarro completed his undergraduate studies in Administration at the School of Accounting and Administration of the UNAM. He completed a Master's Degree in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language at the Faculty of Culture and Chinese Language of the Beijing Normal University, taught
    墨西哥 0 3081
  • 作家

    Albert Ettinger

    卢森堡 0 2600
  • 汉学家

    Lena Rydholm

    瑞典 0 4093
  • 汉学家

    Denis Godwin Antoine

    格林纳达 0 2544