• 汉学家

    McCraw, David R

    Professor McCraw’s research interests include: classical (Chinese) poetry, women and old poetry, Buddhist literature, ancient rhetoric, classical (Chinese) grammar and morphology. His books have treated, respectively, lyricists of the seventeenth century, the poetry of Du Fu, women and classical ver
    美国 0 2744
  • 汉学家

    David McMullen

    David McMullen read Oriental Studies (Chinese Studies) at St John's from 1959 to 1962, after National Service in the Royal Air Force. He researched for the doctorate under Professor E G Pulleyblank at Cambridge, with periods of study at Taiwan National University and at Harvard University. From
    英国 0 3201
  • 汉学家


    中国 0 2370
  • 汉学家

    Moritz, Ralf

    studiert 1959-66 Philosophie und Sinologie in Leipzig und Peking. 1969 erfolgt die Promotion, 1980 die Habilitation. 1984 wurde er zum ordentlichen Professor für Sinologie an der Universität Leipzig ernannt, war in den Jahren 1983-86 stellvertretender Direktor der Sektion Afrika-/Nahostwissenschafte
    德国 0 2964
  • 汉学家


    中国 0 2404
  • 汉学家

    D. E. Mungello

    The Catholic Invasion of China: Remaking Chinese Christianity. Clothcover and electronic editions. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2015. 208 p.“Reinterpreting the History of Christianity in China: Historiographical Review,” The Historical Journal (Cambridge, England) 55, 2 (2012
    美国 0 2815
  • 汉学家


    中国 0 2416
  • 汉学家

    Susan Naquin

    Susan Naquin works on the social and cultural history of late imperial and early modern China (1400-1900). She earned her B.A. from Stanford (1966), Ph.D. in History from Yale (1974), and taught at the University of Pennsylvania between 1977 and 1992. She came to Princeton in 1993 as a member of bot
    美国 0 3125
  • 汉学家


    中国 0 2680
  • 译者


    中国 0 2504